Want to read more?
Outcome Rating Scale (ORS):
Miller, S.D., Duncan, B.L., Brown, J., Sparks, J.A., & Claud, D.A. (2003). The Outcome Rating Scale: A preliminary study of the reliability, validity, and feasibility of a brief visual analog measure. Journal of Brief Therapy, 2(2), 91-100.
Client Dropout Rates:
Wierzbicki, M. & Pekarik, G. (1993). A Meta-Analysis of Psychotherapy Dropout. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 24(2), 190-195.
Client Deterioration Rates:
Harmon, S.C., Lambert, M.J., Smart, D.M., Hawkins, E., Nielsen, S.L., Slade, K., & Lutz, W. (2007). Enhancing outcome for potential treatment failures: Therapist-client feedback and clinical support tools. Psychotherapy Research, 17(4), 379-392.
Benefits of a FIT approach:
Bertonlino, B., Bargmann, S., & Miller, S. (2011). ICCE Manuals on Feedback (FIT). Manual 1. What Works in Therapy: A Primer. International Centre for Clinical Excellence.
Bohanske, B. & Franczak, M. (2009). Transforming public behavioral health care: A case example of consumer directed services, recovery, and the common factors. In B. Duncan, S.
Miller, S.D. (2010) Psychometrics of the ORS and SRS. Results from RCT’s and meta-analyses of routine outcome monitoring and feedback: The available evidence. http://www.scottmiller.com /?q=blog/1&page=2
Miller, B. Wampold, & M. Hubble. (Eds.) (2009). The Heart and Soul of Change (2nd Ed.). Washington, D.C.: APA Press.
Research studies looking at the effectiveness of therapy:
Anker, M.G., Duncan, B.L., & Sparks, J.A. (2009). Using client feedback to improve couple therapy outcomes: A randomized clinical trial in a naturalistic setting. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77(4), 693-704.
Asay, T.P., Lambert, M.J., Gregersen, A.T., & Goates, M.K. (2002). Using patient-focused research in evaluating treatment outcome in private practice. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58(10), 1213-1225.
Barkham, M., Margison, F., Leach, C., Lucock, M., Mellor-Clark, J., Evans, C., Benson, L., Connell, J., & Audin, K. (2001). Service profiling and outcomes benchmarking using the CORE-OM: Toward practice-based evidence in the psychological therapies. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69(2), 184-196.
Brown, G.S., Lambert, M.J., Jones, E.R., & Minami, T. (2005). Identifying highly effective psychotherapists in a managed care environment. American Journal of Managed Care, 11(8), 513-520.
Hansen, N.B., Lambert, M.J., & Forman, E.M. (2002). The psychotherapy dose-response effect and its implications for treatment delivery services. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 9(3), 329-343.
Harmon, S.C., Lambert, M.J., Smart, D.M., Hawkins, E., Nielsen, S.L., Slade, K., & Lutz, W. (2007). Enhancing outcome for potential treatment failures: Therapist-client feedback and clinical support tools. Psychotherapy Research, 17(4), 379-392.
Hawkins, E.J., Lambert, M.J., Vermeersch, D.A., Slade, K.L., & Tuttle, K.C. (2004). The therapeutic effects of providing patient progress information to therapists and patients. Psychotherapy Research, 14(3), 308-327.